Prairie Lake Improvement Association (PLIA)
Fall Meeting Summary – September 5, 2021
Opening Remarks
The meeting was called to order at 10:30 am by President Joe Beaupre. Joe welcomed everyone and thanked them for attending. Participants introduced themselves and shared where they lived on the lake. Attendance was approximately 30 including officers Joe Beaupre, President and Mike Bottila, Treasurer.
Copies of the summary from the spring meeting were distributed for participants to review. A motion was made, seconded and approved to accept the meeting summary.
Mike Bottila handed out copies of the Financial Report and shared a few remarks. The Association had a balance of $7,449 prior to the meeting. Expenditures since the spring meeting include costs for the printing and mailing of the PLIA Directory. Current Association membership is 80. A motion was made, seconded and approve to accept the Financial Report.
Old Business
Big Sandy Watershed District -- Joe Beaupre reported that he is continuing to monitor the Big Sandy Watershed District study to manage the Upper Mississippi Watershed. The study is collecting water quality data, identifying issues and exploring solutions. Due to Covid, the study is now two years behind.
Lake Buoys – Joe thanked everyone who helped place and remove the buoys over the last year. The Association is looking for a new person to coordinate the buoys. This was previously handled by Scott Moncur who recently resigned his post as Vice Chair. This has been part of the Vice Chair’s role, but responsibilities could be handled by anyone willing to take over tasks. Joe also asked if there was interest in exploring lighting for the buoys. A motion was made, seconded and approved to look into alternative options for buoy lighting.
New Business
Water Quality Report – Ken Hallberg was not able to attend the meeting. He indicated to Joe that he would like to have someone else take on responsibility for water quality monitoring. Scott Moncur suggested that we contact the University of Minnesota Duluth to see if there are volunteers from the Natural Resources Program who would be willing to help. Another meeting attendee noted that he knows someone from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency who comes out twice a year to do water sampling on Prairie Lake. He volunteered to forward information to his contact to see if they could help.
Ken Hallberg did share an update with Joe. Two pairs of loons raised three chicks on the lake this summer. Lake clarity levels were improved due to the drought and less inflow sediment. Hasty Brook looked good at the start of the season, but clarity dropped and was more cloudy following recent rains.
Kellie Rae Theiss forwarded data indicating that lake levels are down about 20 inches from last year. It is the lowest level that she recalls.
DNR investigated and walked Hasty Brook in August to look at opportunities for improving spawning habitat. Any reclamation would be a large and expensive project. Joe was given information on what to look for and how to manage spawning habitat. To review this information, please contact Joe. There was a suggestion that there might be a role for Association in removing beaver dams on Hasty Brook.
Status of Road Improvements -- The county and the DNR are continuing to move forward with improvement plans for a new bridge and “fish ladder” at the lake outflow into the Prairie River. This could keep lake levels more even. Timing for the work is uncertain, but could begin this Fall depending on the weather.
A meeting participant commented on the poor condition of the road leading to the public boat access. It is unclear who has primary responsibility for the road. It was suggested that the Association contact the County or the DNR. Another option would be to attend an upcoming Fine Lakes Township Board meeting or invite someone from the Township to a PLIA meeting to ascertain who is in charge and what the plans are for maintaining the road.
PLIA Facebook Page – There was a good discussion among participants on what could or should be posted on the Association’s Facebook page. There was consensus that it was okay for people living on the lake to post: items for sale, such as docks or properties; animal or invasive species siting’s; help wanted notices for plowing, grading or home improvements; and any information folks would be willing to share on good repair experiences. It was agreed that the site should not be used for commercial advertising or by individuals who are not Prairie Lake residents.
Sign at the Public Landing – The sign at the public landing is in need of repair. A motion was made, seconded and approved to talk with Kellie Rae Theiss and explore options for improvements.
Board Elections -- Board elections will be postponed until the Spring Meeting. All seats are open. Joe suggested that we may wish to expand term limits to two years and alternate years for the President, Vice President and Treasurer so that there is overlap. Lake shore owners are encouraged to think about whether they might be interested in becoming more involved in the Association.
Member Comments and Concerns
It appears that tree swallow nesting is down.
There was a question about whether there is anything the Association can do to address invasive species. There are college research studies underway that may target invasive snails. It was suggested that boat steam cleaning equipment or better monitoring at the landing could help. A participant volunteered to see if there is any research on the topic.
It was also suggested that the Association contact the DNR to see if it is possible to limit parking at the public access to 4-5 spaces. It has been so full of vehicles that it is difficult to maneuver boats in and out.
Prepared by Jonette Kreideweis – 10/03/2021
Fall Meeting Summary – September 5, 2021
Opening Remarks
The meeting was called to order at 10:30 am by President Joe Beaupre. Joe welcomed everyone and thanked them for attending. Participants introduced themselves and shared where they lived on the lake. Attendance was approximately 30 including officers Joe Beaupre, President and Mike Bottila, Treasurer.
Copies of the summary from the spring meeting were distributed for participants to review. A motion was made, seconded and approved to accept the meeting summary.
Mike Bottila handed out copies of the Financial Report and shared a few remarks. The Association had a balance of $7,449 prior to the meeting. Expenditures since the spring meeting include costs for the printing and mailing of the PLIA Directory. Current Association membership is 80. A motion was made, seconded and approve to accept the Financial Report.
Old Business
Big Sandy Watershed District -- Joe Beaupre reported that he is continuing to monitor the Big Sandy Watershed District study to manage the Upper Mississippi Watershed. The study is collecting water quality data, identifying issues and exploring solutions. Due to Covid, the study is now two years behind.
Lake Buoys – Joe thanked everyone who helped place and remove the buoys over the last year. The Association is looking for a new person to coordinate the buoys. This was previously handled by Scott Moncur who recently resigned his post as Vice Chair. This has been part of the Vice Chair’s role, but responsibilities could be handled by anyone willing to take over tasks. Joe also asked if there was interest in exploring lighting for the buoys. A motion was made, seconded and approved to look into alternative options for buoy lighting.
New Business
Water Quality Report – Ken Hallberg was not able to attend the meeting. He indicated to Joe that he would like to have someone else take on responsibility for water quality monitoring. Scott Moncur suggested that we contact the University of Minnesota Duluth to see if there are volunteers from the Natural Resources Program who would be willing to help. Another meeting attendee noted that he knows someone from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency who comes out twice a year to do water sampling on Prairie Lake. He volunteered to forward information to his contact to see if they could help.
Ken Hallberg did share an update with Joe. Two pairs of loons raised three chicks on the lake this summer. Lake clarity levels were improved due to the drought and less inflow sediment. Hasty Brook looked good at the start of the season, but clarity dropped and was more cloudy following recent rains.
Kellie Rae Theiss forwarded data indicating that lake levels are down about 20 inches from last year. It is the lowest level that she recalls.
DNR investigated and walked Hasty Brook in August to look at opportunities for improving spawning habitat. Any reclamation would be a large and expensive project. Joe was given information on what to look for and how to manage spawning habitat. To review this information, please contact Joe. There was a suggestion that there might be a role for Association in removing beaver dams on Hasty Brook.
Status of Road Improvements -- The county and the DNR are continuing to move forward with improvement plans for a new bridge and “fish ladder” at the lake outflow into the Prairie River. This could keep lake levels more even. Timing for the work is uncertain, but could begin this Fall depending on the weather.
A meeting participant commented on the poor condition of the road leading to the public boat access. It is unclear who has primary responsibility for the road. It was suggested that the Association contact the County or the DNR. Another option would be to attend an upcoming Fine Lakes Township Board meeting or invite someone from the Township to a PLIA meeting to ascertain who is in charge and what the plans are for maintaining the road.
PLIA Facebook Page – There was a good discussion among participants on what could or should be posted on the Association’s Facebook page. There was consensus that it was okay for people living on the lake to post: items for sale, such as docks or properties; animal or invasive species siting’s; help wanted notices for plowing, grading or home improvements; and any information folks would be willing to share on good repair experiences. It was agreed that the site should not be used for commercial advertising or by individuals who are not Prairie Lake residents.
Sign at the Public Landing – The sign at the public landing is in need of repair. A motion was made, seconded and approved to talk with Kellie Rae Theiss and explore options for improvements.
Board Elections -- Board elections will be postponed until the Spring Meeting. All seats are open. Joe suggested that we may wish to expand term limits to two years and alternate years for the President, Vice President and Treasurer so that there is overlap. Lake shore owners are encouraged to think about whether they might be interested in becoming more involved in the Association.
Member Comments and Concerns
It appears that tree swallow nesting is down.
There was a question about whether there is anything the Association can do to address invasive species. There are college research studies underway that may target invasive snails. It was suggested that boat steam cleaning equipment or better monitoring at the landing could help. A participant volunteered to see if there is any research on the topic.
It was also suggested that the Association contact the DNR to see if it is possible to limit parking at the public access to 4-5 spaces. It has been so full of vehicles that it is difficult to maneuver boats in and out.
- All members are able to post to the Prairie Lake Association website. If they would like something posted that may also contact Jill Beaupre at [email protected]
- The next meeting will be held Memorial Day Weekend, on Sunday, May 29, 2022 at 10:30 am in the Fine Lakes Town Hall. A motion was made and passed to adjourn the meeting.
Prepared by Jonette Kreideweis – 10/03/2021