Labor Day 2018 meeting minutes

Prairie Lake Improvement Association
Fall Mtg minutes Sept 2, 2018
Meeting was called to order at 10:36am by President Joe Beaupre. Agenda, Treasurer’s report from May 2018 to Sept 2, 2018 was distributed along with meeting minutes from May 27, 2018 meeting. Attendance was 27 including Officers Joe Beaupre, Mike Bottila, Scott Moncur.
Motion was made, seconded and approved to accept minutes of May 27, 2018 as distributed.
Treasurer Mike Bottila reviewed financials. Report indicated income of $1,375 in dues, disbursements of $676.19 and an ending balance of $4,826.14 as of Sept 2, 2018. Also noted Bank Change to Northwood’s CU in Floodwood/Cloquet due to sale of Bank. Motion made, seconded and approved as requested.
Loons were reported to have 3 nesting pairs at the grass island, small island and Ken’s Raft. 1 of 2 eggs hatched on the raft, the DNR is no longer testing unhatched eggs. Total of 5 young loons this summer, all doing fine and should be able to migrate South. They stay in Gulf for 3 years, then return to lake.
Ken Hallberg reported on water quality. Chlorophyll and Phosphorus are test next year. Suspect Phos will be up. We are considered Borderline Impaired for Phosphorus in 2018. Considered Impaired for Mercury also in 2018 along with most other lakes in Mn. Clarity at Hasty Brook was in the mid 70’s %, Prairie River was 100%. Lake clarity started at 5.5ft in May dropping to a current reading of 4’ on the secci disk. We have had increase weed growth this summer causing clarity issues.
Kellie Rae Theiss reported on Water levels, handed out “water gage report” from May 6-Sept 2, 2018. Lake level was up over the summer compared to past couple of years with increased rainfall. As of Sept 2, lake is up only .5” compared to last year at this time. Water quality seems better this summer but Weeds are rampant. May be a topic of concern for future. Shoreline owners can take steps to clear area with weed cutting and applying copper sulfate if permits are needed (check with DNR for your specific situation)
Scott Moncur suggested “muck begone” for treatment of mucky shoreline. There is a Weed Cutter at the Linzie cabin, Kellie Rae has had it sharpened, or at least noticed how sharp it is! Be careful. There is another weed cutter in the old farmhouse across the road on 73. Joe will try and see if he can find who owns it now as Erkilla’s have sold the property.
New business:
-Solar Lights were purchased by the Association, Joe placed lights on buoys this spring. Scott Moncur will continue to mentor the “adopt a buoy” program. Volunteers asked to store them outside during the winter so the batteries keep their memory.
-Facebook to stay at an Open Group so public can look at it. Will monitor comments in future to make sure it does not get out of hand, association can vote in future if it becomes negative.
2018 has seen 73 PLIA members of the 167 property owners. Please keep canvasing for additional members.
Walleyes stocked at 272,000 every 3 yrs by DNR, instead of 1M every other year. There is NO plan of stocking bass in Prairie, lake data was only used in a DNR study. Per Dan Wilfond, Mn DNR.
There was a mountain lion/cougar siting this past summer on the South side of the lake per property owners and the DNR.
Beaver Management issue will be brought up as a topic of concern at the Spring mtg, 2019. Association will address at that time.
Motion to adjourn, seconded and passed. Meeting adjourned at 11:20am.
Next Meeting: Sunday May 26th 10:30am Fine Lakes Town Hall.
Fall Mtg minutes Sept 2, 2018
Meeting was called to order at 10:36am by President Joe Beaupre. Agenda, Treasurer’s report from May 2018 to Sept 2, 2018 was distributed along with meeting minutes from May 27, 2018 meeting. Attendance was 27 including Officers Joe Beaupre, Mike Bottila, Scott Moncur.
Motion was made, seconded and approved to accept minutes of May 27, 2018 as distributed.
Treasurer Mike Bottila reviewed financials. Report indicated income of $1,375 in dues, disbursements of $676.19 and an ending balance of $4,826.14 as of Sept 2, 2018. Also noted Bank Change to Northwood’s CU in Floodwood/Cloquet due to sale of Bank. Motion made, seconded and approved as requested.
Loons were reported to have 3 nesting pairs at the grass island, small island and Ken’s Raft. 1 of 2 eggs hatched on the raft, the DNR is no longer testing unhatched eggs. Total of 5 young loons this summer, all doing fine and should be able to migrate South. They stay in Gulf for 3 years, then return to lake.
Ken Hallberg reported on water quality. Chlorophyll and Phosphorus are test next year. Suspect Phos will be up. We are considered Borderline Impaired for Phosphorus in 2018. Considered Impaired for Mercury also in 2018 along with most other lakes in Mn. Clarity at Hasty Brook was in the mid 70’s %, Prairie River was 100%. Lake clarity started at 5.5ft in May dropping to a current reading of 4’ on the secci disk. We have had increase weed growth this summer causing clarity issues.
Kellie Rae Theiss reported on Water levels, handed out “water gage report” from May 6-Sept 2, 2018. Lake level was up over the summer compared to past couple of years with increased rainfall. As of Sept 2, lake is up only .5” compared to last year at this time. Water quality seems better this summer but Weeds are rampant. May be a topic of concern for future. Shoreline owners can take steps to clear area with weed cutting and applying copper sulfate if permits are needed (check with DNR for your specific situation)
Scott Moncur suggested “muck begone” for treatment of mucky shoreline. There is a Weed Cutter at the Linzie cabin, Kellie Rae has had it sharpened, or at least noticed how sharp it is! Be careful. There is another weed cutter in the old farmhouse across the road on 73. Joe will try and see if he can find who owns it now as Erkilla’s have sold the property.
New business:
-Solar Lights were purchased by the Association, Joe placed lights on buoys this spring. Scott Moncur will continue to mentor the “adopt a buoy” program. Volunteers asked to store them outside during the winter so the batteries keep their memory.
-Facebook to stay at an Open Group so public can look at it. Will monitor comments in future to make sure it does not get out of hand, association can vote in future if it becomes negative.
2018 has seen 73 PLIA members of the 167 property owners. Please keep canvasing for additional members.
Walleyes stocked at 272,000 every 3 yrs by DNR, instead of 1M every other year. There is NO plan of stocking bass in Prairie, lake data was only used in a DNR study. Per Dan Wilfond, Mn DNR.
There was a mountain lion/cougar siting this past summer on the South side of the lake per property owners and the DNR.
Beaver Management issue will be brought up as a topic of concern at the Spring mtg, 2019. Association will address at that time.
Motion to adjourn, seconded and passed. Meeting adjourned at 11:20am.
Next Meeting: Sunday May 26th 10:30am Fine Lakes Town Hall.